It's been awhile since CaptainRadd and I have posted any Nintendo parodies on Newgrounds.
We have been slowly developing an original series called Valbrook for the past few years and in the beginning of 2012 we decided to just make stupid shorts. These shorts we call "Quickies" are supposed to introduce you the viewer to some of the 50 characters and many locations in our town. Also it has been a nice exercise for both of us to really develop something new through something very old and true. The South.
So here is where you come in. Please give our series a chance by not only just watching, but giving us constructive criticism. I came back to Newgrounds because I strongly believe in the power of its community and respect what you have to say. With some feedback, we hope to develop this series enough to begin the real story of Valbrook. Let's just say its like Lost with dick and fart jokes.
Thanks for giving this a read and any of this interests you, please follow us through Facebook or Twitter.
And remember, duck penis.
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